In my years as an emerging artist, I have created many pieces of work, all personal, and all created with a meaning and story behind it. Although all of my work is very personal and meaningful to me, the latest piece I am currently painting the final phases on has to be one of the most special. The process of creating "Queendom" which is what I have been inspired to name her, has been an inspiring process.
I was staring at an image of Africa on the map one day while doing some research when I noticed that if mirrored, the continent looked like butterfly wings. The image of a woman wearing those wings immediately entered my mind and I knew I had to create it. She was a dancer, one that stood on her toes like a ballerina proving her strength. She held her arms high above her head to show her beauty and poise and she was adorned with a golden head wrap and small colorful beads. The color palette was a simple one, nothing like the usual bright and vivid colors that I would select for a painting. I started this painting in 2015 as a simple pencil sketch on canvas. With a few more hours of work she will be complete.
Africa always finds it's way it to my work which was something I found very quizzical in the beginning. Truth be told, I didn't know much about Africa at all when I started painting but when it kept showing up I started paying attention. I am learning more now through research but I hope to travel to the motherland someday to learn even more. I feel more honored than anything that this work finds it's way into my dreams and visions until they are brought to life.
Africa is known to be the Motherland for many people globally and her divine nature has carried the world through many different periods in time. Although some view her as indigenous, her royalty is undeniable, and her story cannot be erased when it is embedded in the souls of her people. With the strength of her wings she always ascend to greater heights reaching destinations to show her power to the world. Her resilience to never give up even in the face of adversity has proven her to be the Queen of Gaia.
This piece also represents a woman's willingness to carry the weight of the world. She nurtures and brings undeniable transformation to life from a higher state of being. Have you ever noticed how attached a woman is to her emotions, how she cries and hurts for the world, how she will protect her offspring at any cost, how she will give her all to see others happy? That is because she has the natural ability to nurture. Without the woman, earth would fade away. She is the queen of the kingdom of earth... Hence "Queendom"
There is currently a pre order list so if you are interested in purchasing a limited edition print of Queendom, they will be available soon. Please email with the subject line as "Queendom"